KeyBank Design Standards App

As the lead designer and developer, our team revolutionized how KeyBank branches were renovated with the creation of the Design Standards mobile app! This amazing app is a game-changer for facility managers, giving them a one-stop-shop to stay connected and informed with the latest design standards. No more back-and-forth communication or searching through stacks of paperwork. Projects are now a breeze with the ability to access all the information they need, right at their fingertips. Say goodbye to mistakes during renovations and hello to efficiency and accuracy!


The app allows facility managers to communicate amongst each other, and have all up-to-date design standards at their fingertips.  This improved communication within the organization and made projects more efficient and minimize errors when renovating a branch.

First we asked, How are the current branch design standards being adhered to by facilities managers?

The Facilities Managers were using a Microsoft Word document that needed to be updated and printed or emailed on a regular basis. This took a lot of time to update and distribute along with high cost to print and distribute updated copies. You could also not guarantee that FM’s would be looking at the most recent copy. We knew there was a better solution.

Above: Old facility standards document.

Above: Old facility standards document.

Role: Graphic Design, Creative Direction, UX Design, Project Director